Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Rain Relief

Yesterday evening we were standing outside watching the cloud formations and the beginning of lighting. We happen to find the weather fascinating and this was no exception. The cumulo-nimbus clouds were forming before our eyes and the lightning was increasing as the sun set on the horizon, which was yet cloudless. As we often do as dusk increases, we went for a walk. Our hope was for rain. As anyone knows, this season has been particularly dry and hot. We have barely seen rain in over a month. During our walk we were examining the colors in the sky ... the moon hung to the east, some clouds glowed faintly from the receding sun and some were reflecting city light. Soon the wind brought the smell of rain and we could see the downward motion of rain in the distance. We kept walking, hoping, that by chance we might get the rain and we might walk in it. I felt a large drop and more followed, gradually it increased and we were in the midst of the deluge. By the time we got back to the house we were quite drenched but the day's stress had been washed away.


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